Home - Case studies - Ecospeed (Scrubbers)
Ecospeed (Scrubbers)
On this page you can find a growing series of articles that focus on the application of our coatings on scrubber (pipes) and outlets.

Ecospeed solves corrosion of scrubber pipes and outlets
At the start of 2016, the inside of a scrubber was coated with Ecospeed for the first time. Since then, our coating system was applied

Ecospeed solves corrosion of scrubber pipes and outlets
Recently our Ecospeed coating system was applied on the scrubber pipes, recycle tanks, outlets and diffusers of a several container ships. This demonstrates that Ecospeed

Lasting protection for scrubbers
Recently our Ecospeed coating system was applied on the scrubber pipes, outlets and diffusers of a large number of container ships. This demonstrates that Ecospeed

Ecospeed solves corrosion of scrubber pipes and outlets
At the start of 2016, the inside of a scrubber was coated with Ecospeed for the first time. The scrubber was located in one of

Ecoshield application on first Hull Vane for the Royal Netherlands Navy
In May Ecoshield was applied to the Hull Vane intended for an ocean-going patrol vessel or OPV. Application was done by Straalbedrijf Schep en zonen

Lasting protection for scrubbers and outlets
Over the last year our Ecospeed coating system was applied on the scrubber pipes, outlets and diffusers of over 30 vessels. This demonstrates that Ecospeed
Our new monthly magazine is now available.
In it you can find information on recent Subsea Industries projects and developments.