Per Gabrielsson – Subsea Industries representative in Finland

Per Gabrielsson, sole proprietor of Independent Coating Inspections and Consultation in Mynämäki, Finland, has been the agent for Subsea Industries in Finland since May, 2010. He continues to bring his extensive experience in marine surface preparation and paint coating application to many interesting and successful Subsea Industries projects in his country and beyond. Per is more qualified than most to represent Subsea Industries, owing to his background and expertise in coatings, surface preparation and inspections.

A long career

Per began his career in 1960, working for a major paint company in Finland, where he graduated up to Technical Manager. He supervised over 100 newbuildings and drydockings both in Finland and internationally and was in daily contact with ship owners, shipyards and the technical personnel of heavy industry companies. In 1984, Per decided to go independent, and has worked as a freelance ever since, specializing in steel preparation and welding condition monitoring, surface preparation and paint coatings as well as passive fire-proofing inspections.

In 2022, Per oversaw a test application on icebreaker Kontio of Ecoshield on top of stainless steel plating, at Turku Repair Yard, Naantali.

Representing Subsea Industries

In 2010, Per came across Subsea Industries, and it seemed a natural fit. “Working on various projects worldwide, I realized that the maritime industry needed something else than the ever-increasing pushing of more and more hazardous biocidal products, impacting all marine life in a negative way,” he recalls. “Then I ran into an article describing the functioning of Ecospeed. I contacted Subsea Industries and, after a while, I decided that this type of environmentally-friendly, brushable coating is something worth promoting to shipowners. Another factor which led to my decision [to represent Subsea Industries in Finland] was the possibility of being able to recommend Ecospeed to my clients for its abrasion resistant properties, much needed for the Finnish merchant fleet and also for other ice going vessels.” Per adds.

Since that time, Ecospeed has been certified by class as an ice-abrasion resistant coating PC1 – PC7. Polar Class 1 – 7 basically means that ships protected with Ecospeed can sail in any sea at any time of year. It also means that plate thickness of certain parts of ice-going ships and icebreakers can be reduced by a considerable amount when they are protected with Ecospeed. The coating has been thoroughly tested and proved as very effective protection against ice.

Eckerö Line’s Finbo Cargo Ro-Pax, sailing between Helsinki and Tallinn, has had decks and hull coated with Ecospeed for long-term protection.

A steady stream of projects

Not surprisingly, given Finland’s tradition of building high quality icebreakers and ice-going boats and ships, many of the projects with which Per has been involved concern such vessels. These projects have involved entire hulls, rudders and running gear and also decks.

Only a few of the projects Per has been responsible for as representative and as inspector are given here. There are many more.

Langh Ship rudder protection

The first project which Per undertook for Subsea Industries was the application of Ecoshield to the rudders and ice sea chests of three Langh Ship cargo ships in Remontowa, Gdansk, Poland in 2012. Ecoshield was chosen to prevent further cavitation damage to these specific parts of these ships.

Eckerö Line, Finbo Cargo

This was a very interesting project. The Finbo Cargo is a Ro-Pax ferry belonging to Eckerö Line and sailing between Helsinki and Tallinn. The constant heavy vehicle traffic had resulted in serious damage of the cargo decks. Eckerö needed a solution that would extend the life of the decks. In 2019, they chose Ecospeed, and Per oversaw the application at Turku Repair Yard in Naantali, Finland. Five years later the deck coating is still holding up well.

The damaged vehicle decks of the Finbo Cargo were coated with Ecospeed for protection from the heavy wear of vehicle traffic, with excellent results.

Based on this successful application to the decks, the following year Eckerö decided to apply Ecospeed to the ice belt, rudders, bow thruster tunnels and lower topside of the vessel. Per again oversaw and inspected the application, this time at Öresundsvarvet, Landskrona, Sweden. This application has also held up very well over the intervening years.

TUNDRA icebreaking tug newbuilds for Alfons Håkans

In 2020, Per oversaw the application of Ecospeed to the entire external hull and propulsion units of two TUNDRA icebreaking tug newbuilds, later christened the Helios and Selene, for Alfons Håkans. The coating was applied from gunwale to keel and has remained intact and in excellent condition since it was applied.

The completed Alfons Håkans Selene, one of two Tundra icebreakers built in 2020 at Sanmar Shipyard in Yalova, Turkey. Per was there as representative for Subsea Industries.

Looking ahead

“The relationship with Subsea Industries has been very good and fruitful,” says Per, who continues to work long past the usual retirement age. He says his pace has slowed down a bit but he is still very active.

The future? “I predict that the use of so-called “antifoulings” will be phased out within ten to fifteen years, and hard, brushable coatings will replace them,” says Per. “Periodical brushing of external, submerged hulls will still exist, but ‘grooming’ of such areas will be available during port arrival/departure. As a result, vital marine life will survive and the ‘milking cow’ for paint manufacturers (antifouling paint) will vanish.”

Since Subsea Industries was founded with the clear goal of “Clean Oceans, Seas and Rivers,” Per’s prediction is exactly aligned with our own vision.

Per was the coating inspector in 2012 for the blasting and coating of icebelt and rudder of ice-breaking tug Jääsalo of the City of Kemi, at Naantali Repair Yard in Naantali.

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