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Case studies
On this page you can find a selection of the most important operations carried out around the world by our teams over the years.

Watertaxi Rotterdam finds a workable hull coating in Ecospeed
The city of Rotterdam benefits greatly from a unique, well-organized system of waterborne passenger transport: Watertaxi Rotterdam (WTR). Only recently has WTR found the right

Ecoshield permanently protects rudders and running gear from cavitation erosion and corrosion
Cavitation damage, erosion and corrosion can wreak havoc on rudders, propellers, Kort nozzles, thruster tunnels, energy saving devices and other running gear. Traditional protective coatings,

Ecospeed solves corrosion of scrubber pipes and outlets
At the start of 2016, the inside of a scrubber was coated with Ecospeed for the first time. Since then, our coating system was applied

Ecolock: long-term protection of static offshore assets
Ecolock is a comprehensive solution to corrosion in the hulls, immersed parts, and splash zones of offshore assets, including oil and gas exploration, production and

Janez Vehovec, CTA-Marine- Subsea Industries representative in Croatia
Janez Vehovec and the company he founded and owns, CTA-Marine, have represented Subsea Industries in Croatia since 2009. Janez is among the longest serving agents

Per Gabrielsson – Subsea Industries representative in Finland
Per Gabrielsson, sole proprietor of Independent Coating Inspections and Consultation in Mynämäki, Finland, has been the agent for Subsea Industries in Finland since May, 2010.

Say farewell forever to cavitation damage on running gear
In the last few months more than twenty ships received Ecoshield protection for their rudders, bow thrusters (and tunnels), Mewis Ducts, Becker Twisted Fins, and

Amat Engineering – Representing Subsea Industries in Turkey
Amat Engineering has represented Subsea Industries in Turkey since 2014. We have worked together on a number of successful newbuild projects. Thriving Turkish maritime scene

ECOTEC Marine Systems: Bringing Subsea Industries coating solutions to South Korea
ECOTEC Marine Systems in Busan, South Korea has represented Subsea Industries for 15 years in the region. ECOTEC is a 10-person company, led by CEO
Our new monthly magazine is now available.
In it you can find information on recent Subsea Industries projects and developments.