The Lloyd’s Register certificate that recognizes Ecospeed as an abrasion-resistant ice coating has been renewed and upgraded. This once again confirms the durability and strength of the coating and shows the lasting trust in Ecospeed given by the classification societies.
The number one consideration in a hull coating for ice-going vessels and icebreakers is the ability of the coating to protect the hull in the harshest marine environment there is. Only a few types of coatings are capable of providing this protection. Typically they are certified for their ice-abrasion resistance qualities by the classification societies.
The abrasion resistant coating certificate allows owners of vessels of all ice classes to reduce the thickness of the plating of the ice belt if this area is coated with Ecospeed. The ice belt is the area on the bow just above the waterline that is most prone to mechanical damage from sailing through ice. This saves money in terms of requiring less steel to build the hull and reducing the overall weight of the ship.