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Case studies
On this page you can find a selection of the most important operations carried out around the world by our teams over the years.
Promising results of Ecoshield test in hopper of Dutra’s TSHD Stuyvesant
Testing of Ecoshield on the Dutra Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger Stuyvesant shows that the coating promises to be a viable solution for protecting the hopper
Ecoshield ideally suited for thruster tunnel protection
Besides offering rudder protection, Ecoshield is also suitable for all underwater ship gear which needs special protection from corrosion. The extra strength coating protects these
Fednav’s Umiak I Ecospeed Ice coating in great shape after two years
(Important Note: This article may not be republished or reproduced in any form without the explicit, in-writing permission of Subsea Industries NV.) In April 2021,
Ecolock: long-term protection of static offshore assets – Part 1
Ecolock is a comprehensive solution to corrosion in the hulls, immersed parts, and splash zones of offshore assets, including oil and gas exploration, production and
Lasting protection for scrubbers
Recently our Ecospeed coating system was applied on the scrubber pipes, outlets and diffusers of a large number of container ships. This demonstrates that Ecospeed
Carich Marine Engineering – Representing Subsea Industries in China
Carich Marine Engineering (HK) Co., Ltd. is a Sino-European company, active in shipbuilding since 2000 and formally established in Dalian, China in 2004. In addition
Ecoshield’s lasting protection makes repainting of running gear unnecessary
Over the last half year, the rudders and running gear of well over 50 ships were given an Ecoshield protective coating at yards in Germany,
GearConsult – Representing Subsea Industries in Norway
On the Brisen, recently coated with Ecospeed, in Oslo during Nor-Shipping 2023, L-R Ludvig Nyquist, CEO GearConsult; Espen Larsen-Hakkebo CEO in Brim Tech & Co-founder,
Ecospeed protection for Norwegian energy-efficient sightseeing ferry
Last month the energy-efficient sightseeing ferry MS Brisen was baptized in Oslo, Norway. The carbon fibre vessel was built at the Brødrene Aa shipyard in
Our new monthly magazine is now available.
In it you can find information on recent Subsea Industries projects and developments.